Wednesday, May 28, 2014

MCPS renews private schools lease for building - Missoulian article reporting on the 2011 lease extension - so many reasons to vote against the lease but MCPS serves Missoula International School once again!!

Click on the link below to read a Missoulian article published on July 12, 2011 and written by reporter Victoria Edwards.

 Prescott School Missoula may have already posted this article - have to go back and check - however, decided to re-post it (again, if already posted).

There were so many reasons NOT to have voted for this lease, however, being the masters of Missoula International School that they are, MCPS Trustees voted in disloyal fashion TO ALLOW PRIVATE SCHOOL CHILDREN TO OCCUPY OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING for another FIVE YEARS!

MCPS renews private schools lease for building

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Picture of Missoula International School 1998 state document showing Toni Rehbein as President!!

Below is a picture taken of a Missoula International School state document (Montana Corporation Annual Report) dated April 13, 1998. The arrow is pointing to the name of Toni Rehbein and reveals that she was serving during this year as President of Missoula International School. The address listed for Rehbein is 123 W. Hillcrest Dr., Missoula, MT 59803.

Missoula International School 1998 State Document - Toni Rehbein - President

This document is very important as it highlights what is going on at Prescott School in relation to the lease to Missoula International School. Rehbein was very high in the leadership of Missoula International School, serving as President for 2 years and Vice President for one year. (The documents for the other years showing Rehbein's leadership position are forthcoming on future blog posts.) 

Rehbein was elected in 2004 to the Missoula County Public Schools Board of Trustees and served as Chairwoman of the Board for a time before stepping down in 2013.

 Did the private school vote, both the Catholic and MIS, help Rehbein win the election in 2004 (in addition to her running mates, Scott Bixler, and Joe Toth?  Prescott School Missoula - YES!  These 3 Trustees, psm believes, Rehbein, Bixler, and Toth, were NOT challenged in elections subsequent to 2004, with the exception of the 2013 election when Bixler and Toth were ousted (yeah!). Rehbein chose not to run in 2013.

Prescott School Missoula maintains that Rehbein, along with other DISLOYAL MCPS officials, are using Prescott School to help Missoula International School with its facility needs which is totally corrupt for several reasons.

Our Rattlesnake Valley PUBLIC SCHOOL students are denied the availability to attend their neighborhood public school facility.

AND - Missoula County Public Schools is NOT supposed to be assisting private schools!!

This lease is costing taxpayers accumulatively (for a decade) millions of dollars! This lease is NOT a revenue producer!

The Prescott School property is not being properly maintained to district standards despite what MIS says and some district officials say.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Linking the School Facility Study recommendations with Voting Record of Former MCPS Trustee Rosemary Harrison (who is NOW serving on this Committee!!)

Missoula County Public Schools, in my opinion, is making some drastic mistakes in its facilities planning.
And no wonder. The people involved in the planning process are none other than the people who got us into this mess in the first place.
One person, and I believe one of the major culprits in this latest facility plan fiasco, is Rosemary Harrison. Harrison voted to close several schools: Dickinson, Roosevelt, Prescott, Mt. Jumbo, and Rattlesnake Middle School.  Harrison went on to vote to sell Roosevelt School in 2005. Harrison also went on to vote for the lease of Prescott School to the competing private school Missoula International School in 2004 only weeks after the closure.
Other culprits in this gigantically expensive decades-long facility merry-go-round are:
 Roosevelt Closure - (circa 1998) - Superintendent Vagner, MCPS administrators, in addition to Harrison are Trustees Hemphill (Cummings), and others for which I am unsure at this time.
Roosevelt School Sale - (2005) – In addition to Harrison other Trustees voting for this sale were Jenda Hemphill, Toni Rehbein, Scott Bixler, and Joe Toth.
First North East School Closure Vote - (2004) - Superintendent Clark, MCPS administrators, and in addition to Harrison were Trustees Jenda Hemphill, Naomi Kimbell, and David Merrill.
Second North East School Closure Vote - (2004) – (This second vote was due to a repeat of the first school closure decision process due to violations in open meeting laws) - Superintendent Jim Clark, MCPS administrators, and in addition to Harrison were Trustees Jenda Hemphill, Toni Rehbein (formerly Toni Smartt), Scott Bixler, and Joe Toth.
Lease of Prescott School to Missoula International School – 2004 – Superintendent Clark, MCPS administrators, and in addition to Harrison were Trustees Jenda Hemphill, Naomi Kimbell, Scott Bixler, and Joe Toth.
Two lease extension of Prescott School to Missoula International School were approved by disloyal and malfeasance Trustees: one in 2009 and the other in 2011 under the leadership of Superintendent Alex Apostle (was this why he was hired?)
Did Missoulians know that in this facility planning study has NOT given the closed schools the value of an open school – that is all closed schools were considered INACTIVE and all open schools are considered ACTIVE!!
Look at the connection that is being made in this post and you will see how us Missoulians are being taken for a ride – a very expensive ride. Many of the schools which were closed, sold, and/or leased to the competition by Rosemary Harrison are the schools which are now considered INACTIVE and most likely the reason why Harrison was selected to be in this planning study. HARRISON (AND OTHER DISLOYAL PEOPLE) WANT TO COMPLETE WHAT SHE STARTED – the non-use or disposal of the schools for which she closed: Dickinson, Roosevelt (check - she accomplished the disposal of this property), Prescott, Mt. Jumbo, and Rattlesnake Middle School (check -she accomplished the disappearance of this school).
If Rosemary Harrison, other MCPS Facility Study people, and the MCPS officials  complete the plan that is outlined in this article, we Missoulians (students, families, taxpayers, neighborhoods) ARE THE LOSERS – BIG TIME!!
 This latest study is a fraud (just like others before it) because of who is involved and the complete and utter lack of due diligence in school size, school configuration, i.e. K-8 vs. middle schools, costs of busing, costs of remodeling vs. building a new school, etc.).
Please Missoulians, stick up for Prescott School and other INACTIVE schools, such as Whittier, Dickinson, Mt. Jumbo, and Jefferson – THESE SCHOOLS NEED A VOICE! It is the NEIGHBORHOOD SMALL SCHOOL THAT IS KING IN PROVIDING A GOOD EDUCATION FOR OUR STUDENTS. Contact MCPS school officials at: Missoula County Public Schools, 214 S. Sixth West, Missoula, MT 59801.

I think that all of the above is correct – my apologies if not.

Missoula County Public Schools Up to NO GOOD - AGAIN!!

In today's Missoulian, published on May 20th, 2014, an article about the facilities recommendations are outlined. One recommendation concerning Prescott is the continuation of the lease to Missoula International School.

On this blog, psm has outlined how this this lease is detrimental to the district, in particular to the Rattlesnake Valley students. 

How can this study completely dismiss the use of Prescott School in light of how crowded Rattlesnake and other schools have been and will continue to be in years to come? How can they actually recommend spending millions on enlarging Rattlesnake School without, again, discussing reopening Prescott?

It is because we have corruption at its highest taking place in our school district.

In the many posts on this blog one will read about just some of the culprits in this "BIGGEST SCANDAL IN MISSOULA involving one of the smallest schools in Missoula.

Just some of the outlaws, er, school officials:

Superintendent Jim Clark
Superintendent Alex Apostle

Trustee Jim Sadler (always voiced support for the lease)

Trustee Toni Rehbein{former MIS president and vice president and many times advocated for the lease - however, did not vote for the lease (however much she wished she could no doubt)}

Voted for the Prescott School/Missoula International School lease:

Trustee Rosemary Harrison
Trustee Jenda Hemphill
Trustee Naomi Kimbell
Trustee Scott Bixler
Trustee Joe Toth
Trustee Nancy Pickhardt
Trustee Joseph Knapp
Trustee Michael Smith

Trustee Shelly Wills
and others - (working on collecting Board minutes)

Trustee Tom Orr (always denigrated Prescott)

*Business Director Bruce Moyer
*Business Director Pat McHugh

*Maintenance and Operations Director Bruce Moyer  
*Maintenance and Operations Director Scott Reed

*The above administrators have voiced support for the lease.

Prescott School Missoula believes the main outlaws, er, school officials are: Trustees Sadler, Harrison, and Rehbein. These Trustees are EXTRA DISLOYAL TO THE CHILDREN OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, IN psm's OPINION BY TEN PLUS YEARS OF OBSERVATION.

However, all of the above are culprits in this *unconstitutional issue.

*Assisting private schools is against the Montana constitution.

Monday, May 12, 2014

9 candidates file for seats on MCPS board Missoulian article dated

Even though it is late to contact the candidates whom are running for the MCPS School Board, there is still time to ask what each of the candidates thinks on the lease of Prescott School to the private school, Missoula International School.

Click on the link below to read about the MCPS School board candidates. psm is not sure of the emails of the candidates, however, we need to find out where these candidates stand on the importance of neighborhood schools, including Prescott School.

9 candidates file for seats on MCPS board

School's Out? A February 18th, 1999 Missoula Independent article on the closing of Roosevelt and Emma Dickinson Schools

Click on the link below to read a pretty long - but GREAT article on the closing of two other Missoula schools, Roosevelt and Emma Dickinson.

School's Out?

psm has had people relay that the process of closing these schools was horrendous and a very stressful experience.

All school closures are stressful and for what? So there can be a program or two or some administrators get a higher salary.

The pitting of programs and school buildings is not a valid comparison; it is not an apples to apples comparison. It is an apples to oranges comparison and need not occur!

There is a couple of paragraphs in this article where one can read that a Missoula council person weighed in the issue.

A school board member stated that the council person was infringing in school board business. Not so, according to the council person - a school closure effects the entire city in many different areas (this is paraphrasing - perhaps psm will get a chance to provide quotes from the article soon).

What the council person said was so true!! There are so many negative ramifications to closing a school and the true cost is never made available. When Prescott, Mt. Jumbo, and Rattlesnake Middle Schools were in the process of being closed a citizen requested that the city government get involved, however, psm believes that no one from the city weighed in the issue, unfortunately.

psm recommends this article by the Missoula Independent.

MCPS elementary levy passes; Kendall, Newbold elected trustees

Click on the link below to read about the newly elected Trustees to the MCPS Board.

MCPS elementary levy passes; Kendall, Newbold elected trustees

Playground constructed by MIssoula International School was approved at a 2010 F&O Meeting by THREE elementary MCPS Board members -TWO of them MIS PARENTS at one time!!!

Prescott School Missoula came across some documents regarding the playground changes to Prescott School proposed by Missoula International School in 2010 and decided to go ahead and share them today.

The newer playground equipment on the Prescott School playground by the berm were constructed by Missoula International School was approved by the MCPS Board process. (Later came the more prominent playground additions). 

Two Trustees were Missoula International School parents at one time and another Trustee voted to close Prescott and lease it to Missoula International School!

Which three Missoula County Public Schools Trustees were at the Wednesday, August 18th, 2010 Finance and Operations Committee Meeting and supported this projected change by a private school lessee to the the playground of a public school - Prescott? 

From the minutes of the meeting we see that the only elementary MCPS Trustees present at this meeting were Trustees Rehbein, Duerk, and Bixler.

Trustee Toni Rehbein, as one can read from the many posts on the Prescott School Missoula website, is a parent of a daughter who once attended MIS and, importantly, Toni was an officer of MIS for three years serving as the president and vice president (according to state records).

Trustee Adam Duerk is the parent of twins who once attended Missoula International School.

Trustee Scott Bixler, has for many years supported the lease of Prescott School to Missoula International School. Bixler voted to close Prescott School as well as Rattlesnake Middle School and Mt. Jumbo School in East Missoula in 2004. Subsequently, Bixler voted for the lease of Prescott School to Missoula International School in 2004.

Bixler always voted for lease extensions of Prescott School to MIS - once in 2009 and another in 2011.

A sentence in the minutes under the heading of "Direction" reads:

"The Committee supports the Administration's recommendation that Trustees approve the request by Missoula International Schools for the posted improvements to the Prescott playground at the September 14th Board meeting on the consent agenda."

At the September 14th, 2010 MCPS Board Meeting the quite radical changes to the Prescott School playground were approved on the consent agenda (which is a number of items compiled in one vote) - in other words - with NO discussion by the Board. Additionally, any MCPS Trustee who voted for the consent agenda  is also responsible for the approval of the playground changes. This would have included TONI REHBEIN (if she was present - psm can't remember as of this posting, however, who was mostly likely present at this meeting - psm will check the Board minutes at a later date), who regularly abstains from Prescott School/MIS lease votes (however, supports the lease in Board discussions).

Therefore - as readers can see - the playground changes and additions on one of our public school playgrounds were approved at the Finance and Operations Committee Meeting by TWO FORMER MISSOULA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENTS (!!!) along with a Trustee who voted for the closure of Prescott and the lease of Prescott to Missoula International School. And all Trustees, psm believes, voted for the Consent Agenda, therefore, the MIS playground changes.

The corruption never ends!

Note: psm plans to post pictures of the playground at a later date.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Missoula County Public Schools Superintendent, Business Manager, and Trustees DISLOYAL TO PRESCOTT SCHOOL!!




Trustees Debbie Dupree and Marcia Holland being high school Trustees do not vote on elementary issues, however, they have never voiced their reservations on the Prescott School/MIS lease as far as psm knows.
High school Trustee Jim Sadler has ON MANY OCCASIONS VOICED HIS SUPPORT FOR THE LEASE - every time the issue comes before the MCPS Board of Trustees, Sadler voices his support.
Superintendent Alex Apostle always has supported the lease - could the support of this lease be one of the reasons why Apostle was hired for this job?

Trustee Michael Smith voted for the extension of the Prescot School/MIS lease in 2011. As mentioned in a prior post, Smith's wife works for ALPS, a business for which Trustee Rehbein's husband works (or worked). 
Pat McHugh has always supported the lease which is surprising to psm. One would think that a business manager would know that this lease is not financially viable for the MCPS school district.

All of the MCPS Trustees in the picture above voted for Superintendent Alex Apostle's controversial raise in 2012. High superintendent and administrative salaries jeopardize the stability of the school system which includes school buildings.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

2014 MCPS School Board Trustee Elections

There are three seats up for election on the Missoula County Public Schools Board of Trustees on May 6, 2014. Two seats are K-12 and represent both the Elementary and High School Districts and one seat represents the Swan Valley, Seeley Lake, Potomac, Sunset and Clinton areas on the High School Board (and votes only on high school issues). The following individuals have filed to run for the open seats in the May 6 election.

School Board - Trustee Elections
High School District (Swan Valley, Seeley Lake, Potomac, Sunset, Clinton)
§ Debbie Dupree, P.O. Box 88, Seeley Lake, MT 59868
§ Frank Gruden, 15510 Kendall Creek Road, Clinton, MT 59825
§ Roy Handley, 19770 Schwartz Creek Road, Clinton, MT 59825

Elementary K-12
§ John Fletcher, 655 Evans Ave., Missoula, MT 59801
§ Rob Gibbons, 437 Connell Ave., Missoula, MT 59801
§ Heidi Kendall, 4021 Heritage Way, MT 59802
§ Jennifer Newbold, 3228 Cummins Way, Missoula, MT 59802
§ Molly Stockdale, 2519 Blackthorn Drive, Missoula, MT 59803
§ Scott Todd, 119 Mount Ave., Missoula, NT 59801
§ Jack Wade, 1805 Traynor Dr., Missoula, MT 59802
§ Shelly Wills, 3032 Queen Street, Missoula, MT 59801

Another reason to question if Kendall would support neighborhood schools, i.e. Prescott School (keep in mind that psm has not visited with Kendall on the Prescott School/MIS lease) is that in 2005 Kendall and other representatives from three private schools spoke in favor of a combined middle school in Prescott. This fact does not go in Kendall's favor as far as Prescott School is concerned (or any public school for that matter).

Voting information from (The Missoula County Public Schools website)

edited 5-12-14

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Missoulian article dated April 14, 2014 - MCPS candidate Q&A: Newbold urges personalized learning, critical thinking skills

Click on the link below on a Missoulian article reporting on MCPS board candidate Jennifer Newbold.

MCPS candidate Q&A: Newbold urges personalized learning, critical thinking skills

A blogger, "MobyDick" on the Missoulian blog stated that a blogger who shares psm's views, "Fighting4Missoula", is overstating the dangers of leasing Prescott School to Missoula International School and is stating that any such concerns are a "conspiracy".

How would Prescott School Missoula respond to this blogger,  "MobyDick"?

The dangers of leasing a private school are many. A blog dedicated to Prescott School posts some of these dangers - the blog you are reading - Prescott School Missoula.

The only thing anyone needs to point out and that can be summarized in about one or two sentences - LOOK WHO NOW OWNS ROOSEVELT SCHOOL!!! AND THEN LOOK WHO IS ON THE BOARD AND ON THE PROPERTY STUDY COMMITTEE!! 

Enough said.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Prescott School News 2014 edition

Below is a copy of the latest "Prescott School News". Citizens are welcome and indeed encouraged to make copies and "spread the word" about what is going on with our wonderful Prescott School!
Prescott School News – 2014
Prescott School – Serving the Rattlesnake Valley since 1893 – We want our neighborhood school back!!
 Prescott School was built in the late 1893. The current Prescott School building was built in 1950-51 along with Jefferson and Washington Schools using a H.E. Kirkemo design. Tragically, in 2004, 4 of 7 MCPS Trustees voted to close Prescott along with Mt. Jumbo and Rattlesnake Middle Schools.  Only two months later Prescott was leased for 5 years to Missoula International School!  This procedure was fraught with corruption.   MCPS Trustee Naomi Kimbell voted for the closures (twice) and the lease.  She was hired only weeks later as Missoula International School’s executive director!  Another trustee, former Board Chair of MCPS - Toni Rehbein served as President and Vice President of Missoula International School and was elected shortly after to serve on the MCPS School Board.  In Rehbein’s first MCPS meeting (May 2004) she voiced support for the MIS/Prescott lease and has supported Missoula International School since then!  In 2004, trustees were warned that loses due to the lease could run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars (Missoulian June 8, 2004).  In 2011, a math expert estimated that the district had lost $500,000 just in one year due to MIS enrollment increases (from 33 to 121 - and now at 161+!)and state funding formulas!  Over the years this lease has cost taxpayers millions of dollars! DISLOYAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS IGNORED THE WARNINGS AND APPROVED a 3 year lease extension in 2009 and another 5 YEAR extension in 2011 BRINGING THE LEASE EXPIRATION TO 2017!!  Update from 2012 Prescott School News Unbelievably, instead of discussions to reopen Prescott, in the summer of 2012 a modular was built at Rattlesnake School at a cost of $250,000! MCPS ignored its own demographic report which predicted increases in enrollment! (Missoulian article 9-13-12). In the fall of 2013, the Missoulian reported that MCPS is sending elementary Rattlesnake students to Paxson – irresponsible when Prescott is so close! PRESCOTT SCHOOL WAS BUILT AND MAINTAINED FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS!  There are a myriad of possibilities for Prescott   bring our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders back to the Valley, return Prescott to its K-8 configuration, etc!  We lost Lincoln School; let us also not lose Prescott School!!  Please write to the school district in support of reopening Prescott and against further leases or sale of Prescott School to Missoula International School (MIS). Request that Prescott be an ACTIVE member of the Property Studies Group and be included in any future MCPS plans Please write to the school district and let officials know your position of keeping Prescott School for public school students.  Prescott School is part of Missoula’s heritage!
 Contact the school district at: Missoula County Public Schools, 215 S. Sixth West, Misoula,MT 59801.Request that your letter be placed in an MCPS Board packet. For more information call Jeanne at 721-9027 and/or go to   Thank you!!