Monday, June 18, 2012

2006 Missoulian article regarding Missoula's demographics

2005 Missoulian article on demographics - statement regarding that the demand will rise for using our neighborhood schools

The above link is to a 2005 article reporting on Missoula demographics with work done by Dr. Larry Swanson.

A key sentence from the article that pertains to Prescott School is -

During the 1980s and early and mid-1990s, as birth rates declined, Missoula County Public Schools closed elementary buildings, Swanson noted. Demand for those facilities will begin to rebound, he said.
In other words, Dr. Swanson is stating that the district could very well need Prescott School and other schools in a few years.  This information was correct as Rattlesnake School and Lowell have reached capacity and are now adding modulars. Most likely other schools are at capacity also.

However, our disloyal trustees extended the lease of Prescott School for another 5 years to the private school Missoula International School just 7 months prior to approving the modular at Rattlesnake School!

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