Monday, September 24, 2012

Savings from closing both Mt. Jumbo and Prescott Schools in 2004 is $116,626

In the Budget Work Session packet for April17, 2008, it shows that the MCPS school district saved only $116,667 for the fiscal year of 2004-2005 by closing Mt. Jumbo in East Missoula and Prescott School in the lower Rattlesnake.  

Such a tragedy, such turmoil, such a waste of energy, for so many families, students, and staff, for so little savings.

Prescott School Missoula is still in shock over this information.  This bit of news never made it to the papers - at least none that psm saw.

The information is not broken into the savings for each of the two schools.  Mt. Jumbo housed K-3 grades and Prescott housed 4-5 grades, therefore, the savings from the closure from Prescott School was a smaller percentage than just dividing the figure by half. Let's say the savings of closing Prescott School was a third of that figure which comes out to be approximately $38,000 (round it to $40,000)!

It's even more shocking when one looks over the MCPS Board and Committee agendas and minutes and reads again and again the huge amount of money the district is spending on so many less important things.

School infrastructure is the most important building block of a school system. Then comes teacher and then books (all three are imporant no matter what order they are placed).  Trustees have their priorities mixed up.

Of course $116,626 is a lot of money, however, when we are talking about the running of two very important schools it is so very little. 

And keep in mind that a math professor estimated that the district loses $500,000 annually on leasing Prescott School to Missoula International School.

Prescott School Missoula hopes others will be as upset about this bit of financial news as much as psm is.

This information provides fuel for Prescott School Missoula's thinking that Prescott School was closed to set in motion the lease of the school to Missoula International School. The savings are so minuscule - it just doesn't make sense to close a school for such a small amount of savings. 

Especially when the school was so popular and provided such a wonderful educational setting.

What a needless tragedy to close Prescott School.

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