Monday, November 5, 2012

Missing pro-Prescott School literature and bumper stickers in the lower Rattlesn ake neighborhood with message to Missoula International School supporters

pro-Prescott School bumper sticker
This morning Prescott School Missoula found that a stapled bumper sticker was not on the post on which it was placed just a couple of days ago. This bumper sticker said, "Prescott School, a public school - for public school children" (see picture above).

The disappearance of the bumper sticker was not surprising to psm (Prescott School Missoula). Not at all. In fact, psm expected this to happen. psm has had experience for years with-Prescott School material being taken down when it has been placed in the lower Rattlesnake neighborhood.

Message to Missoula International School Community - Please leave Prescott School literature when it is posted in the Rattlesnake neighborhood.

Prescott School Missoula understands that MIS supporters would not want to see pro-Prescott School materials placed in the lower Rattlesnake area, after all, your school, MIS, is leasing Prescott.

If you, the MIS community, are like the many, many people in the past century whom have had experiences with Prescott School when it was used by public school children, you have loved this public school building and the surrounding property (the playground).

However, as one can read in another current blog post, the leasing of Prescott School to Missoula International School is not and has never been in the best interests of the school district or of the Rattlesnake neighborhood.

Remember - Prescott School was built and maintained for more than a century FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN - NOT FOR PRIVATE SCHOOLS SUCH AS MISSOULA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.

Our public school children NEED Prescott School (see posts explaining this issue).  In fact, Prescott School need never have been closed.

MIS SUPPORTERS - Again, as mentioned in a recent blog post, you need to find another location for your school.  It would behoove you to begin now as the Prescott School/MIS lease will expire in 2017.

Thank you in advance for not tampering with any pro-Prescott literature or bumper stickers.

Prescott School - a public school- for public school children - for more than a century.

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