Tuesday, September 24, 2019

LINK TO MISSOULIAN ARTILE - Missoula International School unveiling new facility long ago - When will this happen??


Monday, September 23, 2019

LINK - Founder of Missoula International School's letter to the editor


Above is a link to a letter to the editor written by Meg Langley, founder of the Missoula International School.

Meg is writing that she is thankful for the many years that the school she founded is still around.
She is pointing out the fact that MIS (Missoula International School) began at her house in 1995(as I'm writing this I forgot the exact year and I don't want to go back to the article - (ha!) she is proud that her school is still thriving.

Point of Fact - This letter by Meg Langley followed a letter to the editor written by Jeanne Joscelyn that laid out the history of  Prescott School going and even mentioned the founding of Missoula and the 150th anniversary of our city. In Joscelyn's letter, she encouraged the reopening of Prescott School.