According to Montana Corporation Annual Reports from the years of 1998 and 2000, Toni Rehbein served as President and Vice President of Missoula International School, respectively. (Montana Corporation Annual Reports are available to the public from the Secretary of State's office in Helena.) Rehbein ran for a seat on the MCPS Board in 2004, winning the election in May of that year.
Update on June 21, 2013:
Prescott School Missoula overlooked a missing piece regarding the the Missoula International School Montana Corporation Annual Reports. Prescott School Missoula did not mention at the time of this page's original post date that Trustee Toni Rehbein was the President of Missoula International School in not only the year mentioned above, 1998, but also in the year of 1999. For three consecutive years Rehbein served as an officer of Missoula International School. This indicates even deeper ties to Missoula International School for now former Chairwoman of the MCPS Board of Trustees - a school for which she advocated over and over during her tenure on the MCPS Board thus displaying disloyalty to MCPS.
Prescott School Missoula is including the following information on this post as it reveals that Trustee Toni Rehbein immediately went to work promoting the use of Prescott School for her former school, Missoula International School.
Toni Rehbein's first words as a Missoula County Public Schools Trustee -
Toni Rehbein along with Scott Bixler, and Joe Toth, were elected to the Missoula County Public Schools Board of Trustees in May of 2004.
Some of the first words spoken by Toni Rehbein may not seem to be of any consequence. When one is aware of Rehbein's background (president for two years vice president for one year, and a parent from the early days of the school, as mentioned above) in connection with Missoula International School they are indeed meaningful.
At the May 2004 Board Meeting these newly elected recited their oath of office; Toni Rehbein may have violated this oath.
The following is a transcription of the oath of office of Board members in 2010. It is assumed here that this is the same oath recited by Rehbein, Bixler, and Toth in 2004.
"I do solemnly affirm that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Montana and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity".
From the minutes of the May 2004 Board Meeting:
The topic of "Request of Missoula International School to Lease Prescott Elementary School" is on page 9 of the minutes. The discussion first centered on whether or not the district needed to issue an RFP (Request for Proposal). Mr. Moyer, the business manager, stated, "...want to give ample time to view the property." The time line for issuing an RFP and bringing it before the Board got shorter and shorter as the discussion progressed. Trustee Toni Rehbein was attempting to rush the RFP process. The minutes state, "Rehbein asked if worthwhile for District to take that time and risk nothing coming forward or take advantage of "bird in the hand." The minutes show that one Trustee, Carol Bellin wished to slow the process down a bit, "Bellin moved to offer RFP's with return date of three weeks time and two weeks time for consideration by the Board and public input..." This was too long for newly elected Trustee Rehbein, as the minutes state, "Rehbein offered friendly amendment to suggest process be finished by our next Board meeting. Would be in our best interest to speed the process up." Trustee Bellin proved to be the only one concerned about the short timeline.
Administrators and other Trustees finagled a way so that the decision would be made at the next Board Meeting on June 8th. This required moving a Finance and Operations Committee Meeting up one day, which has rarely if ever been done to accommodate a RFP process.
Equally astounding statements regarding the price of the lease were made by other supposedly loyal MCPS Trustees.
Note: psm is in the process of learning how to post scans and other documents on a blogspot blog post so that the minutes of this meeting can be posted. Later - This endeavor may take some time and it may be that it is not possible given my lack of expertise in the area.
edited on November 25, 2013
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