Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2004 Missoulian articles reporting on the school closures and the Prescott School/MIS lease

The following is a list of  the 2004 Missoulian articles reporting on the 2004 school closures and the subsequent lease of Prescott School to Missoula International School -

Note:  The posts on the prescott school missoula blog were not able to be in the correct chronological order.

Prior to the March 26th, 2004 article reporting on the school closures there were other Missoulian articles regarding the budget and school closures.  The first discussions of closing four schools (Lowell School was also considered for closure but was later dropped from the discussion) was on February 5, 2004 and the vote on the closures took place on March 24 and March 25 (at 1:00 a.m. in the morning).  The process lasted only 48 days!

March 26, 2004 - article reporting on the school closures  - by Jane Rider - Rattlesnake Middle School, Prescott School, and Mount Jumbo School - (reporting on one of the saddest days in MCPS history)

May 11, 2004 - "Spanish school eyes Prescott space" by Jane Rider

June 8, 2004 - School distict to consider leasing....
June 8, 2004 - David Patterson's letter to the editor regarding the negative aspects of leasing Prescott School to Missoula International School "Low rent will hurt, not help the district"

June 9, 2004 - article discussing the approval of the lease of Prescott School to the Missoula International School in addition to Roosevelt School news regarding it's sale. "Apparently, this meeting could have been called "Trustees looking out for private schools rather than the public schools to which thay have an obligation to be loyal"

July 20, 2004 - article reporting on the lease of Prescott School to Missoula International School by Daryl Gadbow

August 3, 2004 - article reporting on the resignation of Naomi Kimbell and also being hired as the executive director of Missoula International School

(this post is under contruction - psm apologizes for the delay)

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