Saturday, June 22, 2013

Raise a fraction of what Apostle has achieved

Click the link below to read a guest column by Dirk Visser in the February 28th, 2013 edition of the Missoulian. 

Dirk Visser writes that he approves of the 13% raise for Superintendent Apostle.

Raise a fraction of what Apostle has achieved

There were many interesting comments in the comment section after the guest column.

One comment particulary relevant to the business of the distict is by Buzz Feedback.
He states:
Buzz Feedback - March 01, 2013 3:40 pm

"One other point worth noting: Allegiance administers the employee benefit plans for the Missoula County School District. So it's in Mr. Visser's personal and business interests to blow sunshine up the collective a$$ of the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees."
Another comment reveals Mr. Visser's connection to the Community Medical Center Foundation and David Rehbein - Chairwoman Toni Rehbein's husband.  Dirk's wife Kim is on the Board of this Foundation while David Rehbein is on one of the Foundation's committes dealing with investments.
This relationship is rather cozy in light of the school distrct's activities.  As both the Vissers and the Rehbeins are connected to a community entity the Vissers may have more influence than the general public in the day to day activities of the district.
Fighting 4 Missoula - February 28, 2013 5:08 pm
"...If one uses Google and types in the names of Dirk Visser and David Rehbein (Chairwoman Toni Rehbein's husband) a Community Medical Center Foundation document appears. In this document one can read that Kim Visser is on the Community Medical Center Executive Board  {probably should have added Foundation to the title - psm} and serves as the Community Events/Service person. Later in the document one can read where David Rehbein is on the Investment Committee. It reads, "The Investment Committee plans and oversees all area of the Community Medical Center Foundation's investments." Could David Rehbein's position on this Board have anything to do with the Visser donations to MCPS? And is this ethical? Furthermore, the Vissers donated in the range of $100,000-$249,000 (Benefactor category) to the CMCF. In other words Visser's money was being handled by David Rehbein and others. This seems questionable to me."

Remember that Chairwoman Toni Rehbein was the President and Vice President o Missoula International School shortly before being elected to the MCPS School Baord and quickly advocated for the lease of Prescott School to the Missoula International School and even advocated for a sale in addition to voting for the aqusition of an appraisal of Prescott School.
A little hanky panky may run in the family.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

To MCPS officials: Our students need Prescott School - Your facility study needs to include it in district plans

Missoulians need Prescott School to remain a public school in the Rattlesnake Valley.

As predicted by a economist in Missoula who produced a demographic report for the district, our elementary school population has increased and will continue to increase in the next few years. See the link to the report above.

In the summer of 2012 the district built a modular on the playground of Rattlesnake School as the school was at capacity.  The school had been using about 11 para-educators for a while due to the increase in class sizes. (A para-educator is needed in a classroom along with the main teacher if the class size is over a certain number of children due to state standards.)

The cost of the modular was about $250,000.

Why didn't the district consider re-opening Prescott School?

Prescott School Missoula is of the belief that the district, under Chairwoman Toni Rehbein, wished to continue helping out Missoula International School.  Remember that Rehbein was the past president of MIS and also a vice president shortly before being elected to the school board.

Disloyalty, mismanagement, and corruption, as brought forth in the posts on this blog, explain some of what is going on with the closure and lease of Prescott School.  Remember, professionals within our community are on the record stating that this lease has cost the district hundreds of thousands of dollars PER YEAR, thus, overall this lease is costing the district millions of dollars.

Please contact the school board members and let them know you wish to keep Prescott School in the public school system for not only the Rattlesnake children but for all Missoulians - crowding conditions due to sending our students to other schools - effects everyone. 

Our children DESERVE to be able to attend a neighborhood school - a school which many public school children in the Rattlesnake Valley have attended for over a century.

**Michael Beers
P.O. Box 5195

Missoula, MT   50806
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4906
Home Phone - 406-728-1630
Email –
Term Expires – Year 2016

**Rose Dickson
1852 S. 10th Street W.
Missoula, Montana 59801
Voice Mail - 728-2400 Ext. 4901
Home Phone – 406-214-9467 Term Expires Year 2014
*Debbie Dupree (represents K-8 Seeley Lake,
Swan Valley, Clinton, Potomac, and Sunset districts)
P.O. Box 88
Seeley Lake, MT   59868
Voice Mail: 728-2400 Ext. 4908
Home Phone - 406-677-3869 Term Expires Year 2014
*Marcia Holland (represents Hellgate K-8 School District)
2616 Wedgewood Ct.
Missoula, MT  59808
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4909
Home Phone - 406-543-6598 erm Expires Year 2015
**Joseph Knapp
100 Broadview Place
Missoula, MT   59803
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4903
Home Phone – 406-542-3145 Term Expires – Year 2015
**Diane Lorenzen
3860 Fox Farm Road
Missoula, MT  58902
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4900
Home Phone 406-549-3995
Term Expires – Year 2016
*James Sadler (represents Target Range and Bonner
K-8 districts)
1220 Clements Road
Missoula, MT  59804
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4910
Home Phone – 406-728-4743
Term Expires Year 2015
**Michael Smith
112 Rolling Green Place
Missoula, MT   59803
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4902
Home Phone – 721-0313
Term Expires Year 2015
**Julie Tompkins
417 Woodford
Missoula, MT   59801
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4907
Home Phone – 406-241-5396
Term Expires Year 2016
*Ann Wake (represents Lolo, Woodman,
and DeSmet K-8 districts)
12043 Pleasant Meadows
Lolo, MT  59847
Voice Mail 728-2400 Ext. 4904
Home Phone – 406- 552- 8063
Term Expires Year 2016
**Shelley Wills
3032 Queen Street
Missoula, MT   59801
Voice Mail – 728-2400 Ext. 4905
Home Phone – 406-543-3646
Email –   Term Expires – Year 2014
Contact Trustees - (psm cut and pasted the following information and typed out the above trustee info).  If there is a problem contacting any of the trustee perhaps psm made an error. One can check on the district website for the addresses also at www.

The Board of Trustees accepts public comment from students, staff, parents and community members through a variety of avenues. Options include:
Send written comment to Board of Trustees, Administration Building, 215 S. Sixth West, Missoula, Mt. 59801. Comments received will be provided to trustees at their next regular monthly meeting (second Tuesday of the month), or any appropriate meeting that is scheduled sooner.
Email written comment to individual trustees (see email links above).
E-mail written comment to Comments should be addressed to trustees and received by the preceding Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., prior to the Board's regular monthly meeting held on the second Tuesday of the month. Only comments received by this deadline will be included in the regular monthly meeting packet (which is also made available to the public).

Leave a verbal comment to individual trustees on their "voice mail" (see individual voice mail telephone extensions below).
* Trustees that sit only on High School Board
**Trustees that sit on both Elementary and High School Boards

updated on June 22, 2013, July 20, 2013

















Current Lease Rates for Missoula County Public Schools Leased Properties.- for Facility Study held today - June 20, 2013

The lease Rates for MCPS Properties including Prescott School.
This document was included on the website along with other documents for the new steering committee for MCPS facilities.
Notice the LOW, LOW rates for our properties.
Remember that Missoula International School got a steal in 2004 and only paid 79cents/sq.ft. for the first three years ($20,000 per year) and then $30,000 for the next two years on the five year lease. A steal.

Then in the first extension the lease rate was $35,000, $40,000, and $45,000 for three years respectively. Another steal.
The in the second extension the lease rates are listed below - And another steal.

School Total Sq. Ft.
Rent per Sq. Ft.
Monthly Lease Amount
Lease Term
Termination Notice/Renewal
Prescott 25,100 2.3 1.24 $3,333 8/1/2009 - 7/31/2012 Either party may terminate with 90-day written notice. Lessee may terminate with 90-days written notice at conclusion of years 2, 3, and 4 of the term of lease. Rent to increase $5000 each ensuing year on Aug. 1st. Missoula International Schools
2.19 $4,583 8/1/2012 - 7/31/2013 Board approved 7/12/2011
2.29 $4,792 8/1/2013 - 7/31/2014 "
2.39 $5,000 8/1/2014 - 7/31/2015 "
CPIU with 3% Cap 8/1/2015 - 7/31/2016 "
CPIU with 3% Cap 8/1/2016 - 7/31/2017 "
Mt. Jumbo 39,200* 5.3 2.25 $4,380 10/30/2005 - 10/30/2010 Lessee may renew for additional five years subject to discretion of Board Walla Walla University
2.29 $4,748 10/30/2010 - 10/30/2015 Board approved 6/8/2010
CPIU with 3% Cap Yearly increase
* Walla Walla University leases approx. 23,000 sq. ft. (59%) of Mt. Jumbo, and the remainder is used by MCPS for storage
Whittier $1/year 8/1/2004 - 7/31/2014 Either party may terminate with 90-day written notice. Head Start
Duncan Drive 1.32 $10 every 10 years 7/1/2000 - 6/30/2010 Either party may terminate with 90-day written notice. Lessor must notify in writing 90-days prior to June 30. City of Missoula
Lowell Site 4.3 $1/year 9/1/1998 - 8/31/2008 Lessor may terminate with 30-day written notice. Missoula City Parks and Recreation
Westside Park - Ground Lease $1/year 9/1/2004 - 8/31/2044 City requested amendement for 40 year extension due to addition of splash deck. Board approved 11/11/2003
Lowell Site Lessee may renew for additional ten years subject to discretion of Board. Partnership Health Center
Ground Lease 10,730 $1/year 12/3/2012 - 12/3/2032 Board approved 12/3/2012

School Profiles for Facitlity Study - Meeting held today - June 20, 2013

Prescott School Missoula has downloaded the following document from the MCPS website. Notice there is not a profile for any of the closed schools, including Prescott School.

This document was included on the MCPS district website ( Notice that there are only 9 elementary schools and only 3 middle schools. This seems to be a very low number of schools for a city the size of Missoula.


School Profiles

Missoula County Public Schools has developed profiles for each school that provide information regarding student achievement and school culture. Select from the links below to view each school’s profile. You will need Adobe Reader to view these pdf documents.

Elementary Schools

List of Missoula County Public Schools Facilities and Properties.for the Facility Steering Committee

The district had its first meeting of its new steering committee on Missoula County Public Schools facilites today, June 20, 2013.

The following information was included ont the MCPS website (now along with the info for the Facility Study.

Prescott School is listed under the elementary schools.





ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 38,792 1.9 215 South Sixth St. West, Missoula, MT.


BIG SKY HIGH SCHOOL 255,873 37.8 3100 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59804

BUSINESS BUILDING 10,000 1 915 South Avenue West, Missoula, MT.


HOMEVALE/CASALOMA BLDG 5,000 2 Corner of South Ave & Stephens

CENTRAL KITCHEN 11,578 1 1710 South Ave. W, Missoula, MT. 59801

CHIEF CHARLO ELEMENTARY 61,150 14 5600 Longview, Missoula, MT. 59803

COLD SPRINGS ELEMENTARY 51,382 6 2625 Briggs, Missoula, MT. 59803

DICKINSON (LIFELONG LEARNING CTR) 43,078 4.5 310 S. Curtis, Missoula, MT. 59801

FRANKLIN ELEMENTARY 40,738 1.9 1901 S. 10th W., Missoula, MT. 59801

HAWTHORNE ELEMENTARY 50,045 4.6 2835 S. Third W., Missoula, MT. 59804

HELLGATE HIGH SCHOOL 245,694 3.7 900 S. Higgins, Missoula, MT. 59801

JEFFERSON CENTER 29,767 5.5 1700 South Ave. W, Missoula, MT. 59801

LEWIS & CLARK ELEMENTARY 60,413 10 2901 Park, Missoula, MT. 59801

LOWELL ELEMENTARY 39,507 3.8 1200 Sherwood Ave, Missoula, MT. 59802

MAINTENANCE BLDG 7,010 1 1720 South Ave. W, Missoula, MT. 59801

MEADOW HILL MIDDLE SCHOOL 82,424 9 4210 Reserve, Missoula, MT. 59803

MISSOULA COUNTY STADIUM @ Big Sky 21,210 5 3100 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59804

MOUNT JUMBO BUILDING 40,304 5.3 735 Michigan, Missoula, MT 59802

PAXSON ELEMENTARY 52,049 2.1 101 Evans St., Missoula, MT. 59801

PORTER MIDDLE SCHOOL 92,989 6.4 2510 Central, Missoula, MT. 59804

PRESCOTT BUILDING 25,033 2.3 1100 Harrison, Missoula, MT 59802

RATTLESNAKE ELEMENTARY 61,459 7 1220 Pineview Dr., Missoula, MT. 59802

RUSSELL ELEMENTARY 42,993 5 3216 Russell, Missoula, MT. 59801

‐ RUSSELL EAST ANNEX 2,892 0.5 3216 Russell, Missoula, MT. 59801

‐ RUSSELL WEST ANNEX 2,892 0.5 3216 Russell, Missoula, MT. 59801

SEELEY‐SWAN HIGH SCHOOL 46,072 52.5 456 Airport Road, Seeley Lake, MT. 59868

SENTINEL HIGH SCHOOL 240,476 50 901 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59801

‐ SENTINEL BUILDING 300 MUSIC 9,840 0.5 901 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59801

‐ SENTINEL BUILDING 400 TECH 8,059 0.5 901 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59801

‐ SENTINEL BUILDING 500 WAREHOUSE 20,984 1 901 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59801

VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE FARM 17,411 79.9 3637 South Ave. W., Missoula, MT. 59804

WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 82,787 4.5 645 W. Central., Missoula, MT. 59801

WHITTIER BUILDING 23,096 1.16 1001 Worden Avenue, Missoula, MT 59802

WILLARD SCHOOL 23,096 1.5 901 S. Sixth W., Missoula, MT. 59801




20 Used by Vo Ag program to graze livestock .

Irrigated w/ water rights and fenced. Property

is within the Ft Missoula Historical zone.





16 North end of current Hellgate HS

soccer/softball complex. Currently grass and




20 20 acres undeveloped, fenced.




5 5 acres undeveloped next to city park.

Residential access only. ELEMENTARY



Baseball field)

13 Currently rented to City of Msla and Pease

farm. Baseball fields 2008. Water well 2008.


Farm is aprx acres. PROPERTY

TRIANGLE‐ FT MISSOULA PROPERTY 6 Property is within the Ft Missoula Historical


TOOLE PARK (HELLGATE FOOTBALL) 9.9 Fields owned by MCPS and irrigated by city

of Msla. Public bathrooms. Mowing, water is

responsibility of the city.

WEST SIDE PARK (NEXT TO LOWELL) 4 MCPS land - playground/park maintained by

City of