School 'Grandma' shared from her heart : Uncategorized
Quotes from the article follow:
"As her young life unfolded into adulthood, and then into an unforgettable career as "Grandma" for Missoula's Prescott and Willard schoolchildren, she shared the blessings that surrounded her at birth."
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"Prescott teacher Elaine Rose laughs when she remembers the first few years Dorothy began working in her classroom."and -
"Her role was to help with the students, but mostly to provide that nurturing and loving some of them weren't getting very much of," Rose said. "She had a large room in the back, called "Grandma's Office," and the children would go back there when they needed extra help with something - but they would go back there mostly to sit with Grandma Dorothy."and -
"I remember one time the subject of straw and hay came up and the children wanted to know what the difference was,"Rose said. "I didn't really know, because I grew up in the East. But Dorothy heard the question - and she knew it all."and -
"I realized then she was quite a resource and I wasn't taking advantage of that so after that we would interview Grandma Dorothy on many topics, like one-room school houses and the days of the pioneers."and -
" For their next 20-plus years working together, Rose watched Dorothy's special talents reveal themselves: She could communicate with some children other adults struggled with."
"Her warmth was amazing," she said. "And the kids learned the rules of courtesy with Grandma Dorothy. It was so sweet to watch because she had such an elegance about her that it made it easy to teach those things."and -
"She was an example to us all," Rose said. "She went on to give so much love through the years, and she illustrated what a pioneer spirit really is." and -
"In 1999, Gov. Marc Racicot honored her with the Ageless Hero Award for inspirational achievement."
Prescott School Missoula's note - Dorothy Appleman was an important part of Prescott School according to Ms. Rose. psm is a fan of grandparents in the schools. They are such a help to the teachers and the children.